Browse additional economic indicators and data sets


Browse additional economic indicators and data sets, selected by Global Finance editors, to learn more about Oman economic outlook, debt to GDP ratio, international trade performance and population trends. Rankings of Oman best banks and safest banks are also available.

A Calm Oasis Amid The Middle East’s Chaos

Guided by the foreign policy principle “Friends of all, enemies of none”, the Sultanate of Oman is often often characterized has a haven of peace in a turbulent region. Despite its heavy reliance on revenues from oil and gas, Oman is actively striving to expand its economic base and diversify its revenue streams, with a particular focus on sectors such as manufacturing, technology, and tourism, among others.

To this extent, this nation of fewer than 5 million is also developing incentives for foreign investors, including tax benefits and labor incentives. Against the backdrop of the country’s political stability and positive macroeconomic environment, however, Oman still faces challenges, including vulnerability to  global energy price fluctuation, dependence on foreign workers and a significant debt burden.

Oman GDP & Economic Overview

Key Facts

Total Area 309,500 sq km
Type of Government Absolute monarchy
Capital City Muscat
Total Population 5.255 million
Median Age 20.0
Sovereign Ratings S&P BB+
Moody’s Ba1
Fitch BB+
Total GDP USD 112.354 billion
Adult Per Capita Income (PPP) USD 47,183


Trade & Finance

International Trade

Total Exports USD 33,460.47 million
Major Exports Crude petroleum
natural gas
refined petroleum
Major Trade Partners – Export United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
United States
Total Imports USD 88,601.08 million
Major Imports Cars
refined petroleum
broadcasting equipment
Major Trade Partners – Imports United Arab Emirates

Inbound and Outbound Investment

Data Shows Oman’s Debt Load To Be Below The Regional Average

The chart at left compares Oman’s debt-to-GDP ratio to the regional average. It illustrates how the country has been successful at keeping its debt burden in line with its national productive capacity.

Oman's Leading Companies

Banking Bank Muscat
Telecom Omantel
Oil Petroleum Development Oman
Oil Oman Oil
Airline Oman Air
Conglomerate Zubair Corporation

Global Finance Rankings & Awards: Oman

Global Finance Magazine holds several conferences and awards ceremonies throughout the year to recognize the winning financial institutions and companies in a host of categories including World’s Best Trade Finance Banks, World's Biggest Banks, World's Safest Banks, World's Best Developed & Emerging Markets Banks, World's Best Internet Banks, and World’s Best Investment Banks.

Data Sources:

IMF World Economic Outlook

UN World Population Prospects

World Inequality Report

S&P Global Ratings


Fitch Ratings

IMF Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

CIA The World Factbook

World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution

Forbes Global 2000
